Project Mgt Notes


Version 0.0 14/9/2003 by Samar

  1. Dev.Models
  2. UML;

1. History

sw engg: buildg contruct analogy approach to sw dev usg past experience to deal with large progs where ad hoc method breaks down -> productivity ↑ qualtiy ↑ art (esoteric past exper) -> craft (unorg use of past exper) -> engg (systematic use of past exper + sci basis)

2. Life Cycle Models

SW Lifecycle/process = series of identifiable stages sw undergoes durg life-time:

SW Lifecycle model: a descriptive + diagrammatic model of sw lifecycle, divides lifecycle into phases, est precedence order.

a. Classical Waterfall Model

    Classical Waterfall Model : Next phase iff previous phase complete -> pm knows progress, not depdt on team members guesses. - "99% complete syndrome"
  1. Feasibility Study : overall understandg
Relative Phase Efforts:
* 2%                         req.sp
* 8%                         design
* * 12%                      coding
* * * * 18%                  test (max. ofall developmt phases)
* * * * * * * * * * * * 60%  maintenance (max ofall phases)
Classical waterfall; iterative waterfall.
Classical Waterfall Model;
Feasibility Study 
       Req. Analysis

b. Iterative Waterfall Model

Analysis--| (Requiremt, analysis + spec)
  /|\   Design--|
   |-----|- Implementation--|
   |-----|-----|--------- Testing--|
   |-----|-----|------------- Installation

c. Prototyping Model workg prototype / toy implementn (limited fu capabilities, low reliability, ineffict) first built

                  build prototype 
                 /              \
requirmts       /                \
gatherg --- quk design        customer eval - cust satsifd
                \                 /               |
                 \               /    design, implement, test, maintain
                   refine requmts

d. Evolutionary Model/ Successive Versns / Incremental model

initial prod skeleton refined; sys is broken down into several modules which canbe incrementally implemented + delivered.

Evolutionary Model with Iteration

e. Spiral Model

det objectives     id + resolve risks
      ,d"      "b,          
      d'    _   `Y,         
      8     8    `b         
      `b,_,aP     P         
        """"     d'         
       a,.__,aP"    dev nxt level of prod
customer eval
of prototyp
    Quadrants (4)
  1. Objective Settg: id objectives + examine risks (any adverse circumstance which might hamper completn of proj); id alternatives
  2. Risk Assesmt + Reductn: risk reduction
  3. Developmt + Validatn: dev + validate next level of product
  4. Review + Planng: review reslts achieved so far with the customer + plan next iteratn ard spiral.

2. UML (Unifd Modeling Lang) UML = lang. notatns for documtg OOAD; no methodlogy; to standardise difft notatns

Use-Case Dia

|         Class Name            |
| attrib:data_type = init_value |
|                               |
| operation                         |
| operation (arg_list): result_type |

|          |\
|          |_\   
|            |

 / \ 

                             _      ;                 ;  8     8    `b                   
                   __      ,'" "`.   |                 |  `b,_,aP     P                   
           __    ,'  `.   /       \  ;                 ;    """"     d'                   
         .'  `. /      |  |       |   \               /            ,P"                    
      _  |    | |      /  \       /    `.           .'     a,.__,aP"                      
 . o (_) `.__.'  `.__.'    `.___.'   

Project Mgt

Organizn of SPMP (Sw Proj Mgt Plan)
  1. Intro: Objectives; Major Fu's; Perf Issues; Mgt + Technical Contraints
  2. Project Estimates: Historical Data Used; Estimation Techniques; Effort, Resrc, Cost + Proj Duratn
  3. Risk Mgt Plan: Risk Analysis; Risk Identifn; Risk Estimn; Risk Abatemt Proc
  4. Schedule: Work breakdown struct; Task NW Representn; PERT Chart
  5. Proj Resrcs: People; HW + SW; Special Resrcs
  6. Staff Org: Team Struct; Mgt Reportg
  7. Proj Trackg + Ctrl Plan
  8. Misc Plans: Proc Tailorg; Quality Assur; Cfg Mgt; Validn + Verifn; Sys. Testg; Delivery, Installn, Maint.
Proj Size Estimatn Metrics:
