Linux System Administration Guide
by Samar Abbas (Version 1.0, 22/3/2003)
- Installation (a. Stdd. Install, b. Troubleshooting,
c. Partitions, d. Customiz'n or Post-Install Config,
e. Other Install Methods: KickStart, Multi-Boot OS
f. Rescue)
- Pkg.Mgt.
(a. RPM, b. Debian P.M., c. Shared Libs, d. Sample installations,
e. Compression, Backup and Storage)
- Hardware Admin
(a. Device admin., b. Sound+Video, c. Printer,
d. Modems,
e. Storage Media: Floppy, CD, f. Installation of New Hardware)
- User Admin. (Users and Passwords, Groups, Quotas) {LPI-101}
- System Accounting (a.Logging: syslogd, load monitors,
sniffers, b.Process Management)
- Kernel
(a. Kernel Modules,
b. Boot Process: Boot mgrs: LILO, windows bt mgr,
c.Init. and Shutdown: run-levels
d. Installation and Rebuilding) {LPI-102}
- Security
(System Security: tcp_wrappers, ssh, PAM,
Encryption, tools: TripWire;
Network Security: Proxy (squid), Firewall (ipchains), Router)
Standard Installation
- Boot from CD : Boot from
install CD, hitting <DEL> to make it default 1st/2nd/3rd bootg dev.
- Partitioning : Use
fdisk or Disk Druid. Optionally mount dos partition as /dosc
in Disk Druid.
- 5 Installation classes RHL 6.2
= Gnome Workstation | KDE Workstation | Server | Custom | Upgrade
- 5 Install classes RHL 7.1 = Workstation | Server | Custom | Laptop |
- Workstation Install: MBR /dev/hda overwritten; all
linux partitions erased + non-linux partitions kept; all free
unpartitioned space used; xinetd not installed ( => incoming finger,
ftp, telnet and talk won't work) [examprep]
- HD(Gnome|KDE for 1 lang) = 1.5G; HD(Gnome+KDE+games) = 1.8G
- auto-partitioning created: swap=1-2x RAM + /boot = 50M +
/ = 1100M (depending on disk space)
- Server Install: removes ALL partitions+ ALL OS's on ALL HDs;
package selection available
- HD(min.+no.GUI) = 1G; HD(all+no GUI) = 1.3G;
HD(all+Gnome+KDE) = 2.0G
- auto-partitioning : swap = 1-2xRAM + / = 384M +
/usr > 1400M + /home > 512M + /var = 256M + /boot = 50M
- Virtual Consoles: F2 (shell prompt) | F3 (install prog. msg's) | F4
(sys.msgs) | F5 (other msg's)
- Min HW = 386 + 32MB RAM + 500M HD
- Reco HW = 64 MB RAM + Pentium + 600M-1.2G
Installation and Post-Installation Problems
- fips (`First nondestructive
Interactive Partition Splitting Program') [tackett.90].
part resizing; cmp. Partitn Magic
- parted : linux partitn resizg tool
- rawrite : create root (not boot!) disk
- fdisk
- p - print partition table | m - help | q - quit
- partition id's: swap = 82 |
linux native = 83 | extended linux = 85 | extended = 05
- $fdisk /mbr (remove old boot loader)
- newe2fs (create fs structure)
- free (show free memory)
- fsck (`filesystem check')
- -n (`no verification') |
-a (`automatically' repair any errors detected)
- fsck -t ext2 /dev/hda2
(checks filesystem)
- /etc/rc.d/rc/S contains an fsck entry
- fdformat (low-level `floppy disk format':
lays down sector
and track info on FD such that size can be automatically
used by /dev/fd0)
- -n (`no verification')
- fdformat /dev/fd0 .
- mkfs (`make filesystem')
- mkfs, mkfs.msdos, mkfs.ext2,
mkfs.ext2 = mke2fs for various fs types.
- ext2fs: 5% default space reserved for
root; filename <= 255 chars
- -c (`check' for bad blocks)
- #mkfs -t ext2 /dev/fd0 1440
(create ext2 fs of 1.44
mb (1440 blocks) on floppy, erasg all files)
- stat (disply file inode); eg $stat
- hwclock (show hw clock)
- /dev/hda = 1st IDE HD
- /dev/hda1 = 1st partition on IDE drive
- /dev/sda = 1st SCSI HD
- /dev/sdb = 2nd SCSI HD
- /dev/sda1 = 1st partition on SCSI HD
- root partition as small as possible
- <= 4 primary partns = 3 normal + 1 extdd |
<= 1 extended partn (ext partns are primary)
<= 12 logical partns |
<= 16 total partns = 4 primary partns + 12 logical
- < 63 partns for IDE HDs
Swap Partitions
Definition of Swap : -
Generic term for disk storage used to increase the amount
of apparent memory available on the system.
data (ie. memory pages; 1page = 4096b) is written to swap when there is
not enough RAM; although disk access is slower than RAM acess.
- Min. swap partition = 2 x RAM > 128 MB.
- If RAM < 16 MB, swap partition is a must.
- 2 kinds of swap exist: partitions or files
- Max. 16 swap areas are allowed,
each swap area = one disk file or
partition < 128 MB.
- < 2GB (2.2.x kernels)
- mkswap (`make swap')
- -c (`check' for bad blocks)
- $mkswap -c /dev/hda3 16447; swapon
(makes swap)
- /etc/fstab : incl. list of swap
- creation of swap area :
- $dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap bs=1024 count=8192
read from the null bytes creator
to create 8MB swap file.
- sync the filesystem in case of crash.
- $mkswap -c /swap 8192 to format the swap area using
-c flag to check for bad blocks.
- $sync format info physically written to new swap file.
- $swapon / swap enable swap space.
- $free
to check if swap has increased in size.
/etc/fstab file should contain a line:
/dev/hda6 swap swap defaults 0 0
should contain a line:
swapon -a .
- deletion of swap srea :
- $swapoff /dev/hda3
- Use rm only after the swp file has been swapped off.
Do not remove an enabled swap file.
System Customisation
Other Install Methods
(Kickstart, etc.)
Rescue + Debug
sync, umount used in rescue mode
since halt|reboot|shutdown not operate properly.
Package Management
- rpm (`Red Hat Package Manager')
- -a (`all') | -b (`build') |
-i (`install') | -e
(`excise', uninstall) | -f (show `file-owner') |
-F (`freshen': upgrade pkg
only if an earlier version is already installed) |
-h (`hash': print 50 hash marks as pkg is unarchived) |
-q (`query') | -qf (`query file'+ find its pkg) |
-R (`resolve' dependances) |
-U (`upgrade': install if not exists) |
-V (`verify' pkg) | -p (`print' info)
- $rpm -ivh f.rpm (install with progress
hash signs)
- $rpm -Uvh f2.rpm (upgrade existing pkg, removing
old one; using -i would install both)
- $rpm -i --force
(force install of www rpm)
- $rpm -e --nodeps xsnow (disable dependancy check
+ remove)
- $rpm -q emacs
or $rpm -qa | grep emacs
(see if emacs installed; returns
- $rpm -qi xsnow (query pkg, showing more info)
- $rpm -ql xsnow (list full filenames owned by installed
pkg); $rpm -qlc xsnow; $rpm -qld xsnow
(restrict o/p to cfg or docu files owned by pkg)
- $rpm -qpl xsnow-1.41-1.i386.rpm
(list all files contained in rpm pkg)
- $rpm -qa | wc -l (no. rpm pkgs installed on sys.);
$rpm -qal | wc -l (no. files in all installed rpms)
- $rpm -qf /usr/X11R6/bin/xsnow (returns
"xsnow-1.41-1", pkg owning file)
- $rpm -qpR xsnow-1.41-1.i386.rpm
or $rpm -qR xsnow (list all files
- $rpm --checksig xsnow-1.41.rpm
(yields "md5 GPG NOT OK"; -> find key using
$rpm --checksig -v xsnow-1.41.rpm ; download and
import it: %gpg --import sam.asc;
--checksig should yield "md5 gpg OK")
- $rpm -V xsnow (verify pkg, no o/p = clean;
else lists errors)
- $rpm --rebuild f.src.rpm (reportedly build binary rpm
from src);
$rpm -Uvh f.i586.rpm (in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS)
- [/usr/src/redhat/SPECS:$rpm -bb spec_file (build binary pkg)
- /etc/rpmrc : old cfg file;
moevd to /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc +not meant to be edited by
- /etc/rpm/macros: cfg rpm;
read docu: $rpm -qld rpm | grep macros
- /var/lib/rpm (rpm db)
- /usr/src/redhat (source rpms: .pkg.src.rpm)
/usr/src/redhat/[BUILD/, RPMS/, SOURCES/, SPECS/, SRPMS/]
- ~/.rpmrc
- gnorpm (`gnomeRPM':
GUI frontend to rpm running under X)
- dpkg (`Debian Package Manager':
Primary Debian package manager) [nutshell.Ch5]
- -i (`install') | -l (`list' pkg info) | -r
(`remove') | -c (`chart': list all files in pkg) |
-s (`status') | -I (more info: version, debian section, pkg
- $dpkg -i /tmp/xsnow-1.4.deb (stdd
- $dpkg -s xsnow
("Status: install ok installed" + much info)
- $dpkg -L xsnow
(list files within pkg;
reverse: find pkg owning given file $dpkg -S
- /var/lib/dpkg/available:
packages available on the system.
- /var/lib/dpkg/status: Status for pkgs
- dpkg-deb (`Debian Package
Manager': lower-level pkg'g tool; accepts and executes
commands from dpkg)
- dselect (`Debian Selector':
GUI to dpkg): interactive update tool
of /var/lib/dpkg/status
- Main Menu =
0. [A]ccess 1. [U]date 2. [S]elect 3. [I]nstall 4. [C]onfig
5. [R]emove 6. [Q]uit
- [S]elect: EIOM column displays Status for each pkg
- apt-get (`Advanced Package
Tool': in development)
- -s (pre-start messages)
- $apt-get install xsnow
(downloads pkg + dependancies and installs them)
- $apt-get dselect-upgrade (
install, remove and cfg pkgs as per Status
in /var/lin/dpkg/status =
using dselect menu
- /etc/apt/apt.conf :
main APT config file (cf. $man apt.conf)
- /etc/apt/sources.list: where to find uninstalled
pkgs, ie. www, ftp sites; edited by %apt-setup
or by hand (cf. $man sources.list)
- apt-setup: interactive tool
for editing /etc/apt/sources.list
(sources list for apt-get)
- alien : convert pkg formats to .deb
- dpkg-reconfigure :
$dpkg-reconfigure --all (ensure all debconf pkgs are
completely configured)
Shared Libraries
Statically Linked Executables: "complete", contain all functions
required for execution; good for low-level maintenance tasks
Shared Libraries : - a core set of routines
Sample Installs
RealPlayer :
`Linux 2.x libc i386' pkg downloaded
- $chmod 755 rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2.bin
- $./rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2.bin
- $realplay file.rm
or $~/RealPlayer8/realplay file.rm if installed as non-root.
- run strace on realplay & reportedly increase
color depth
- Flash Player:
- %cp $HOME/flash_linux/ /usr/lib/netscape/plugins
- %cp $HOME/flash_linux/ShockwaveFlash.class
(flash player + java class file cp'd into plug-in dir.)
- MPlayer ;
movie player (mpg, avi, asf)
- ALSA Drivers (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture):
- Using rpm; or
- Downloaded, Unzipped and Extracted to /usr/src :
$bunzip2 alsa-driver-0.5.11.tar.bz2 ;
$bunzip2 alsa-lib-0.5.10b.tar.bz2 ;
$bunzip2 alsa-utils-0.5.10.tar.bz2
$cd /usr/src/ otherwise
a "cannot find ..." error will occur.
#tar -xvf /home/guest/alsa/alsa-driver-0.5.11.tar ;
#tar -xvf /home/guest/alsa/alsa-lib-0.5.10b.tar ;
#tar -xvf /home/guest/alsa/alsa-utils-0.5.10.tar
- Configured Make and Make Installed the Drivers, Libraries
and Utils
#cd /usr/src/alsa-driver-0.5.11
#./configure ; #make ; #make install
#cd ../alsa-lib-0.5.11
#./configure ; #make ; #make install
#cd ../alsa-utils-0.5.11
#./configure ; #make ; #make install
Given order to be followed; drivers before libraries
before the utilities.
- Perpared Devices
#cd /usr/src/alsa-driver-0.5.11 ; ./snddevices
& check that /dev/snd -> /proc/asound/dev
but /proc/asound/dev/ need not exist.
- Modprobed the Card:
#modprobe snd-card-intel8x0
#modprobe snd-card-intel8x0 snd_ac97_clock=48000
snd_mic_frame_size=120 snd_card_frame_size=120 snd_pbb_frame_size=128
this created /proc/asound, and
#cat /proc/modules should now contain a `snd' column.
#cat /proc/asound/cards should list the card.
There is no need to edit /etc/conf.modules for this.
- Unmuted and Set Volume with Amixer :
#amixer showed the default values.
#amixer set Master 100 unmute
#amixer -c 0 set Master 100 unmute
where 100% is the % of max. volume
#aplay still did not work.
#aplay -c 0 set PCM 100 unmute then aplay worked.
#aplay worked then.
aplay = ASLA audio player, it supports
au and wav (cf. /usr/share/sounds).
- Common Problems:
"No mixers found. Make sure you have snd support
compiled into the kernel" is xmms error, though aplay works.
--> edit /etc/conf.modules
- aviplay: To install DivX codecs, and play avi files,
installed aviplay rpm. Most avi files played well.
- wmv, asx, asf:
cp'd (found via google"")
into /usr/lib/win32 and aviplay
could play all these files.
- alsaplayer (ALSA player can play mp3's
or MPEG-1 AudioLayer-3);
Sample installation on zircon 8/6/01
- #cd /usr/src to install under this tree;
- #tar -xvf /root/tmp/alsaplayer-0.99.33-pre3.tar
or wherever the tar file is located;
- cd alsa-player-0.99.33-pre3
- # ./configure; make; make install
- $whereis alsaplayer should yield
- In IOP the /usr/local/
on zircon had been previously moved to /usr/local_local;
being linked to the remotely mounted executables directory:
#mv /usr/local /usr/local_local
#ln -s /tmp_mnt/usr/local /usr/local
This had to be undone as otherwise an error
`cannot create directory /usr/local/lib/alsaplayer: Read-only file
system' occurred.
Compression, Backup, and Storage
(Using Removable Media)
Incremental Backup : -
A procedure for Backing Up only the Files
that you have changed or added since
doing your last Backup.
Differential Backup : -
A procedure for Backing Up only files that have been
or added since the last full backup.
- gzip (compress individual files using
Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77)
- -d (`decompress' = gunzip) |
-r (`recursively' descend into subdir's) |
-N (restore original `names')
Corruption of 1 block can spoil whole file since
gzip compression algorithm dependant on data coherency
across many bytes ---> tar, cpio or
afio better for these cases.
- usual compression rate: 60-70% (text).
- $gzip -9 *.txt
(ultra-compression in maximum time, default is -6)
- $gunzip *.gz
(uncompress all gzipped files)
- $gunzip -l f.txt.gz
(file info)
- $gzip -c f.gz | more
(file stays compressed, same as
$zcat f.gz )
- $ls -lR $HOME | gzip > f.gz
(file info)
- $cat file1 file2 | gzip > foo.gz
(concatenate files and then compress)
- rar:,
- gunzip
(decompress gzip=.gz, zip,
compress=.Z or pack files)
- cpio (`copy in and out'; duplicate
dir trees)
- zip
(compress files in format compatible with
pkzip - Phil Katz's zip for msdos systems)
$zip *.txt
(zip all txt files into a file called
- $zip -r xdir
(recursively zip all files in xdir)
(unzip the given file)
- zcat (cat or display compressed
- gunzip -c = uncompress -c
= zcat
$zcat f.gz
(view the compressed file)
- tar (`tape archive'): extracts to
new dir -> not clutter pwd
- partially extraction multi-part rar files:
winrar leaves unpacked files intact.
dont click Cancel or Ok when
the window pops up (else files cleared)
asking for the next file. Leave it as it is and play
the downloaded section.
"D:Program FilesWinRARUnRAR.exe" x -kb (with the 'Start in' folder as t
Desktop - how do you make this the current folder instead?) which aviods all the
To split files on linux, download lxsplit--the linux form of HJ split, or use th
already supplied split command:
split -b 10m file.avi file.avi
To combine them, do:
cat file.avia* > file.avi
If you don't want to use the split command, and use lxsplit instead, then:
lxsplit -s file.avi 10mb
To combine them:
cat file.avi0* > file.avi
- cksum (cyclic redundancy check
(CRC) `checksum' for given file, usu. to ensure
that files transf'd by unreliable means are uncorrupted)
- compress, uncompress
(Use adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding to create .Z files)
(Slightly less efficient than gzip)
- mtools (`msdos tools':
suite of tools to manipulate msdos files from linux)
- $mcopy f.txt a:/
(copy to dos floppy)
$mcopy -/ a: .
(recursively copy floppy directory tree to present directory)
$mdel a:/f.txt
(delete dos directory)
$mcd a:/mydir
(change to dos directory)
$mrd a:/mydir
(delete dos directory)
- mattrib, mcat, mcd, mcopy, mdel, mdeltree, mdir, mdu,
mformat, minfo, mlable, mkmanifest, mmd, mmount, mpartition, mrd, mmove,
mren, (rename) mshowfat, mtoosltest, mtype, mzip, xcopy (cp
recursively DOS dirs onto one another)
[RH033, 6-11]
- /etc/mtools.conf
- bzip, bzip2 :
(Better Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression algorithm, and
Huffman coding)
- mount (mount removable media)
- $mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
(mount new CD-ROM)
- $mount /mnt/cdrom = $mount cdrom
(mount CD-ROM using fstab entry)
- $mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
(mount floppy)
- $umount cdrom or $eject cdrom
- magicdev GNOME/KDE daemon probes CD every sec default
+ mounts new media
- rsync : network backup tool usg incremental backup;
cygwin requd for ms client
- > rsync251-2.exe -e ssh -av --delete /cygwin/c
Hardware Administration
(Device Admin.)
Hard Drive Admin
IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics): -
A standard electronic interface used between a computer
motherboard's data paths or bus and the computer's disk storage devices.
SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) : -
Set of
evolving ANSI standard electronic interfaces that allow
personal computers to communicate with peripheral hardware
such as disk drives, tape drives, CD-ROM drives, printers, and
scanners faster and more flexibly than previous interfaces;
Developed at Apple Computer.
- setserial (get/set Linux serial port info)
- /proc/interrupts : interrupts
currently in use
- /dev/ttyS0 = 1st serial port (COM1 in MSDOS)
- /dev/null = byte sink
- /dev/zero = byte return
- /dev/mem = system physical memory
- serial, parallel + joystick ports supported;
serial UART types 8250, 16450, 16550, 16550A supported
- lspci: of pciutils pkg;
"General Setup" > "PCI Support" enabled in kernel.
$cat /proc/pci info on installed PCI devs.
$lspci -v for more verbose output
%cat /proc/interrupts list interrupts in use;
o/p =
IRQ no.interrupts processed ... short name of HW dev. ;
multiple devs can share same IRQ
%cat /proc/ioports: list IO ports in use
- setpci: change PCI dev. settings
- USB = Universal Serial Bus, EHCI, etc.;
%mount -t usbdevfs none /proc/bus/usb
to mount USB dev. fs
or add
none /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0
to /etc/fstab
Definition of Block Device : - Data read and written to the
device (usu.a peripheral, eg. HD) as entire blocks of device-determined
size (usu.512b-32kB); denoted by `b' in first col. & canbe randomly
brw--rw----- 1 root disk 3, 0 May 19 1984 /dev/hda
(3, 0 are major device nos: a particular driver in the kernel;
Minor device no. represents a particular device handled by that driver)
Definition of Character Device : -
read/written sequentially
1 byte (ie. char.) at a time in order
(eg. modem, serial port); usu.
denoted by
- Add Device driver: %mknod -m 666 /dev/bogus b 42 0
where b = type, b or c, and 4 = major no, 0 = minor number
Sound+Video Cards
- sndconfig : Probes and configures sound card.
- minicom (verify modem)
- $modprobe
- $modprobe snd-card-intel8x0
- /lib/modules/2.2.14-12/misc/
- $aumix (test sound): check
`mute' option turned off.
- $playmidi
- $play
- $sox
- "/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy"
is gtv and xmms error msg:
$ /usr/sbin/lsof | grep /dev/dsp or
$ /usr/sbin/lsof | grep plaympeg
then kill all processes locking the audio dev.
[18 Oct 2001]
Printer Admin.
- lpc (`line printer control'):
can rearrange order of queue jobs, can disable/enable printer
- lpq (`line printer queue')
- lpr (`line printer request')
- -b (suppress `banner') |
-# = -K (no. kopies) | -m (`mail' error msgs) |
-T xtitle (specify `title') | -w (`width')
- lprm (`line printer remove'):
eg. $lprm -a (attempt to remove all jobs)
- printtool (GUI)
- /etc/printcap (`printer capability'
database): read once by lpd at startup
- /etc/lpd.perms (LPRng lpd permissions control
file): affects lpc, lpq
- /etc/lpd.conf (`line print daemon cfg'
file): 180 options configurable.
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol: - A communication protocol
- Two Authentication Protocols supported by PPP:
- CHAP (Client Handhake Authentication Protocol):
cf. /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
- PAP (Password Authentication Protocol):
cf. /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 -
options passed to pppd daemon.
- $ifup ppp0 - start ppp
- winmodems are usu. incompatible with linux
User Administration
Users and Passwords
- useradd (`add new user')
- -d (home `dir') | -c (`comment':
name of user)
- %useradd -c "Dr. Samar Abbas" -d /users/samar samar
%passwd samar
(add user samar, setting his password,
also possible to use adduser )
%adduser -d /users/samar samar; passwd samar
- /etc/skel : template files
(eg. .profile) automatically copied to user's home dir.
- userdel (`delete
- -r (`recursively' remove all files)
- #userdel -r samar (remove user)
- passwd (`change password')
- 6 <= xpasswd <= 255
- 1 <= non-alphanumeric char.
- non-dictionary word; not login; not similar to current passwd
- pwconv (`convert password
to shadow')
- pwunconv (`unconvert password')
- usermod
- -G xgroup
- %usermod -G floppy samar (user floppy even away from
- linuxconf
- /etc/passwd: general syntax-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
free text home dir shell
abbas:x:254:202:Samar Abbas:/user7/abbas:/bin/bash
#samr:x:500:501:Samar Abbas:/home/samarx:/bin/bash (disabled user)
- # in front of username temporarily suspends user.
- id :
1 <= uid(sys.users) < 499;
1 <= gid(sys.grps) < 499;
- whoami (print eff. uid): not equal to who am i:
[ zircon > who am i
zircon!lpat pts/2 Aug 7 23:40
[ zircon > whoami
- users
- who
- w
- groups :
gid >= 499
- /etc/profile: global user profiles
- group example (zircon Feb.5, 2002):
1) Backup: %cp /etc/group /etc/group.bak; cp /etc/passwd
2) /etc/group modified:
lpat:x:502: ---> lpat:x:502:
ubhan:x:503: ---> ubhan:x:503:lpat
3)[ubhan] %chmod 770 ~/ ;
[lpat] %newgrp ubhan & lpat could write to ubhan's files
4) /etc/group modified:
then ubhan could write to lpat's 770 files
but ubhan had to do `newgrp lpat' first.
- newgrp
- groupadd
- groupmod (`modify group')
- groupdel (`delete group')
- grpconv (shadow group)
- grpunconv (`unconvert group')
- /etc/group: group info
- /etc/gshadow
User Quotas
- quotaon (enable
disk quotas for specific filesystems)
- -a (`all' fs) | -v (`verbose') |
-u (manipulate `user paths') | -q (manage group `quotas')
- /quota.user (at root of filesys)
- /
- edquota (`edit quota')
- only ext2fs supports quotas,
vfat, iso9660 do NOT support quotas
System Accounting
- syslogd (`system log daemon')
- /var/log/messages :"System Log" readable by root
- logrotate (`log rotator')
- logger (`logger')
- lastlog (`last login')
- last (`last login')
- lastb (`last bad login
- who (`who')
Process Management
- crontab (`cron table')
- /etc/crontab
- syntax:
- minute 0-59
- hour 0-23
- day of month 1-31
- month 1-12
- weekday 0-6: 0 = Sunday.
- 44 14 * 11 wed date :
executes [command] on 2:44 pm every Wednesday in November.
- 0 20 * * 1-5 calendar : runs calendar every 20
minutes starting midnight Mon and ending 11:40 on Fri.
Kernel Admin
Kernel Modules
Kernel : Abstraction layer interface between raw HW and
appl. programs; the "heart of linux"
Monolithic Kernel : support for all HW, NW protocols & FS built
within single file
Modular Kernel : kernel loads required modules (drivers built as
object files) dynamically; saves RAM
Definition of Module : - A Loadable Device Driver,
ie. added to or removed from memory at run-time,
a single object containing all of the code for the driver,
eg. /boot/*.o
- Linux supports UP (uniprocessor) and
SMP (symmetric multiprocessor) systems, the latter requiring special
- tcp/ip stack is in the kernel
- /sbin/init = 1st process run by kernel;
init starts additional processes as spec'd in
/etc/inittab [devWorks.102.II]
- autocleaning: automatic diassociation and unloading from
memory of an unused loaded kernel module.
- /lib/modules/x.y.z/: where modules live;
each module = xmodule.o
- essential functinalities must be in kernel = disk controller, drives,
root fs
- /usr/src/linux: kernel src pkg
- official kernels released
by Linus or Marcelo
- lsmod (list loaded modules; ie. those
currently resident in kernel)
- insmod (install module into running kernel):
eg. %insmod /boot/ftape.o ;
insmod cmds customarily included in rc scripts
- rmmod (remove idle module);
eg. %rmmod ftape
- modinfo (kernel module info)
- -a (show `author') | -d (show
`description') | -n (show fileName) | -p (show
- modprobe (probe+install module+dependants)
- -l (`list' modules) | -r (`remove'
- modprobe > insmod : required underlying
modules loaded + /etc/modules.conf consulted for default params +
a list of modules tried
- depmod (show module
dependencies + create db of dependancies)
- /etc/modules.conf = /etc/conf.modules
(flavour-dependant): "keep" line: default path info to be retained
- /lib/modules/2.2.16-22 : kernel modules home
- /usr/src/linux : kernel headers +
kernel-source pkgs found here
- version no.: linux-2.2.16:
major_ersion 1.minor_version 2.patch level;
extraversion no 2.2.16-22smp by RHL (22smp)
to distinguish various configs of same version
- even-no minor versions (eg. 2.2.x) STABLE;
odd-no minor versions (eg. 2.3.x) DEVELOPMENTAL
- 2.0 kernel: external kerneld daemon loads + unloads modules;
2.2 kernel: internally loads + unloads using modprobe
Boot Managers: LILO etc.
Definition of Boot Loader : -
A small program located in boot sector to allow user to choose an OS
to boot into
- loadlin (msdos
boot loader)
- lilo; /sbin/lilo (`Linux
- -q (`query map'; /boot/map) |
-d n (`delay in deciseconds') |
-R (set default command for next `reboot')
-t (`test only') |
-u -U `(uninstall')
- $lilo (run lilo)
- $lilo -D dos (change default boot partn)
- /etc/modules.conf
- /etc/lilo.conf : %/sbin/lilo after
changing lilo.conf
/etc/lilo.conf [welsh.117]
boot = /dev/hda # Dev. where LILO should install itself
compact # Optimization for faster speed
install = /boot/boot.b # File containing the boot sector
# to use on the MBR
map= /boot/map # Map File created by LILO on installatn
image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16-22 # Location of kernel image
label=linux # Name for LILO boot menu
root=/dev/hda2 # Location of root partition
vga=ask # Ask for VGA text mode
- vga option values =
vga=normal (80x25) | extended (132x60) | ask | integer
(1,2,etc.) .
- add loader=/boot/any_d.b to reportedly dos stanza
to boot msdos located on the second drive [welsh.118]
- for Secondary Boot Loader: add
boot = /dev/hda2 to /etc/lilo.conf
and set the linux partiton to `active' using DOS/Linux
fdisk [welsh.119]
- windows boot manager
- c:\config.sys [pcq march 2001].
- c:\boot.ini [win2k faq].
In the Linux shell:
#lilo -s /tmp/linux.bin
Then copy linux.bin from /tmp to the
Windows boot harddisk.
c:\boot.ini [win2k faq]
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
C:\linux.bin="SuSE Linux 7.1"
C:\="Microsoft Windows Millennium"
This boot.ini boots Windows Millennium and SuSE Linux from the
first harddisk and Windows 2000 Professional from the second
- dmesg
- %cat /var/log/messages = $dmesg
- shows dev's found on boot
Initialization and Shutdown
(Boot Process)
- init (`initialize')
- -q (boot into single user mode)
- $/sbin/init
- /etc/inittab
pf ... # PowerFail
bw ... # BootWait
s0 ... # System Init.
id:5:initdefault: # InitDefault : Default runlevel
si::sysinit:/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit # System initialization.
x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon # run xdm at level 5
Runlevel : - A software configuration of the
which allows only a selected group of processes to exist.
States that control what a machine can do.
[man init]
- runlevels :
- 0 - powered off
1 - single user mode
2 - multiple user mode without NFS
3 - multiple user mode with NFS
5 - X environment
6 - reboot
- S or s - bring to single user mode, for scripts entering
runlevel 1 [man init]
- S vs. 1 : further users cannot login in S.
- telinit (`tel-initialize')
(link to init)
- 0-6 (`runlevel': tell init to go to
- $/sbin/telinit q
(tell init to re-examine /etc/inittab)
- $telinit 5
(go to runlevel 5 without reboot)
- shutdown (`shut down')
(%shutdown -h now = %halt
- halt (`stop')
- runlevel (show currt + previous runlevel)
- ntsysv (services to start on boot)
- %ntsysv --level 35 (2 levels, deflt = current
- chkconfig (which service at which runlevel)
- #chkconfig --list | grep swat
- #chkconfig --level 35 swat on
(turn on swat for levels 3+5)
Kernel Building
- make clean: deletes results of previous builds
= make mrproper: mrproper target def'd in Makefile which restores
sources to clean state
- [/usr/src/linux]~$ make mrproper
- [/usr/src/linux]~$ cp -p configs/kernel-i386.config
- make oldconfig : recover default kernel config
- make xconfig: X-based GUI (best) |
make menuconfig: GUI |
make config: interactive cmd-line oriented kernel
- make menuconfig:
y | n | m (module) |
<> deselected | <*> tobe compiled into kernel img |
<M> tobe compiled as module
(for sections cf. run)
- /usr/src/linux/Makefile:
- make dep: generate dependancy info, create kernel depenancies
+ propagate
top-level configs to subdirs
- make bzImage : compile the bin.kernel img;
creates /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
and /usr/src/linux/
- make modules :
%make modules && make modules_install :
compile & install modules from
/usr/src/linux/modules to
- cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16-22sam :
copy compressed kernel
- cp /usr/src/linux/ /boot/
- make modules_install
- mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.2.16-22sam.img 2.2.16-22sam :
create RAM disk image
- /etc/lilo.conf: 2 new lines
"image=/vmlinuz2" & "label=newlinux" added, run
%lilo -v -v
- /etc/pam.d:
auth-type ctrl-flag mod-path & args
- /etc/pam.d/other :
(cfg file for all services not having their own /etc/pam.d/xyz
file): modules default in /lib/security/
- [devWorks.102] = `LPI certification 102 Exam Prep',
parts I-IV, IBM developerWorks.
- [nutshell] = `Linux in a Nutshell,' by Stephen Figgins,
Ellen Siever, Stephen Spainhour, Jessica P. Hekman, 3rd ed. 2000,
- [win2k faq] = `Windows 2000 FAQ,'
- [installguide] = `Red Hat Linux Installation Guide'
- [mandrakeuser] = Mandrake User - a good resource on
emerencgy recovery.
- [mudlog] =
`Using cron basics' by Mo Budlong, Unix Insider 8/25/00,
- [welsh] = `Running Linux', Matt Welsh, Lar Kaufman, O'Reilly